Introduction of the Code of Conduct for Ekoenergetyka-Polska Group companies

Code of Conduct for Ekoenergetyka-Polska, Introduction of the Code of Conduct for Ekoenergetyka-Polska Group companies, Ekoenergetyka

We are pleased to present to you our common Code of Conduct for the companies of Ekoenergetyka-Polska Group.  The aim of the Code is, in particular, to promote and support ethical action and the development of an organisational culture based on broadly understood compliance, respect for people and the surrounding nature.

The Code also indicates the Group’s values, i.e. ETHICS, EDUCATION and PROGRESS, and the principles derived from them, which form the foundation of the Group’s organisational culture.

➔ We strive for PROGRESS by continuously developing our technical and intellectual potential.

➔   We care about our EDUCATION, and we EDUCATE the public on solutions that favour efficient and environmentally friendly solutions.

➔  We follow the principles of ETHICS, contributing to the development that balances economic, social, and environmental issues.

The values enable us to conduct and develop our business, contribute to economic development, and have a positive impact on society and the environment.

The Code as a formal document was adopted in the organisation by a Resolution of the Management Board of Ekoenergetyka-Polska S.A. and the Management Boards of the other Capital Group companies  and, as of 1 February 2024, is applicable in these entities.

Guided by the principles described in the Code in areas such as:

➔   Professionalism and accountability for resources,

➔   Care for customers,

➔   Quality and a sustainable supply chain,

➔   Relationships with counterparties, including the verification of counterparties,

➔   Financial accountability,

➔   Confidentiality and protection of information,

➔   Fair competition,

➔   Combating and responding to abuse,

➔   Conflict of interest management,

➔   Observance of human rights,

➔   Equal treatment in employment and prohibition of discrimination,

➔   Respect for diversity,

➔   Attention to occupational safety and a friendly working environment,

➔   Transparent HR policy,

➔   Development of innovation,

➔   Counteracting corruption and gift policy,

➔   Care for the environment,

we develop honest and reliable business and support our image as a trustworthy partner. The Code can also serve as a tool to help us make decisions in difficult and unclear situations.

We believe that cultivating our values and adhering to the principles described in the Code is the key to achieving the long-term success of the entire Ekoenergetyka-Polska Group, ensuring the quality of our products, services, and activities, and building lasting relationships with our partners, based on respect, trust and acting towards the common good.

Bearing the above in mind, we encourage you to get acquainted with the Code of Conduct of Companies of the Ekoenergetyka-Polska Group without delay; should you have any questions, please contact us at the address indicated in the Code: