As part of R&D activities, we conduct work in 4 main areas
Apart from production activity, Ekoenergetyka-Polska S.A. conducts research and development activities in the field of innovative solutions and new technologies in low-emission transport.
These activities are centred on transport utilizing electric drive systems. Although the main field of study still consists of works related to charging infrastructure for battery-operated electric vehicles, in 2020, the company commended conceptual works in the scope of hydrogen refuelling systems with innovative hybrid distributors.
This involves the need for constant development of highly qualified staff, as well as acquisition and development of infrastructure for conducting research in the scope of electronics, power electronics and material engineering. In the recent years, the human resources of the company were supplemented with employees having experience in the scope of research and development works, gained at universities in R&D centres.
Apart from creation and development of subsequent R&D centres, the Company’s research base is also supplemented with highly specialized measuring and research equipment, which has or will enable research (for the purposes of the company and third parties) in the field of the effect which electric and power electronic devices have on the external environment and the effects of the external environment on these devices.

Hydrogen technologies
The current progress made in the scope of hydrogen systems as well as the increasing market maturity of these technologies makes them implemented in the electromobility industry with a growing confidence.
Being aware of the potential of the hydrogen technology, Ekoenergetyka has commenced R&D works in this area. As part of one of its projects, the company is creating a Research and Development Centre for Hydrogen Technologies in Transport, the main purpose of which, via initial investment in tangible or intangible assets, will be scientific research and development works carried out by specialist staff, regarding hydrogen technologies in transport, promotion of the solutions, as well as expert and training activities.

Charging station power electronics
As part of its scientific projects and R&D works, the Ekoenergetyka team is developing prototype single and double converters AC/DC, DC/DC, to be used in electric vehicle charging stations.
The goal of one of the current projects is to create an ultrafast charging station - HPCVC (High Power Commercial Vehicle Charging), with the output voltage of 1500 VDC and charging current up to 500 A. Already at the design stage, the team pays special attention to modelling and analysing the energy and thermodynamic properties, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and the noise level. The properties and parameters of the prototypes are tested at the company’s Electromobility Laboratory Centre in Zielona Góra.

Energy storage
Research on energy storage in terms of cooperation with the charging infrastructure of electric vehicles
Cooperation of energy storage with charging stations
Development of own dedicated system solutions and control algorithms
Energy storage devices in the form of electrochemical reservoirs is an area which in the recent years has underwent intensive development. It is related not only with power engineering or electromobility (electric vehicles).
It has started a vigorous expansion into the area of electric vehicle charging. An energy storage device working with, for instance, a charging station allows to reduce the peak power demand, improves the voltage profile at the connection site, supports the operation of the AC network, improves the energy profile and increases the power supply reliability of the electric vehicle charging station. As part of our R&D works, we develop, for instance, prototype, customized energy storage systems, we develop original and dedicated algorithms controlling power storage devices and their interaction with both the supply network and charging stations; we also investigate the properties of energy reservoirs.